Archive for the ‘Spiritual Books’ Category

Rediscover Your Happier Self

Posted on: December 9th, 2024 by admin No Comments

Finding our happier self can sometimes be a struggle. When you need a daily dose of inspirational quotes to stay positive, there is no question that something is weighing you down. Since you already know this, what I want to share with you is how to get back to your happier self and stay positive, no matter what life throws at you.

happier self

Coping with inner struggles is exhausting! While there is nothing wrong with getting a dose of inspirational or motivational quotes for a quick pick me up, it is an exhausting coping strategy to counter our most persistent inner struggles. What if I told you that there is a more effective way to free yourself of any negative thoughts or feelings that weigh you down?

Freeing Your Happier Self

Being positive is within our nature. You may be relieved to know that this is why negative thoughts and feelings bother us so much. Negative thoughts and feelings are not part of our nature, they are a byproduct of pain. What is pain, you may wonder? It is any experience that violates your core nature, rights, ideals, your personal space, or anything that is out of harmony with any vision that is rightfully yours to manifest. As you can see, pain is not only physical. For our purposes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel the more you are aware of the dynamics of nonphysical pain.

Letting Go of Self-blame And Guilt

As someone who has been where you are, I know how unhelpful it is when people call you negative and make you feel guilty for your inner struggles. It is not helpful to make yourself feel guilty for being in that state of mind either. What is helpful is understanding why or how you are in that struggle, so that you can navigate pathways to a real solution.

Finding Renewal & Positivity

The real treasure of life is you! But like a diamond in the rough, you must remove from yourself the pain that stops you from shining. The only way to free your positive self is to heal the soul that you are! If you are tired of trying to stay positive, realize that the part of you that is aware of the weight of unhealed wounds within is the soul that you are.

I wrote Facing The Overshadow to share practical natural ways to heal the soul and rediscover pure joy. The purpose of this book is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the soul, which is necessary for effective inner healing, strength, and authentic happiness.

With techniques derived from timeless truths that embody a deep understanding of the soul, Facing The Overshadow is an organic and intuitive guide that offers natural pathways to inner healing and transformation. It is perfect for self-healing seekers interested in rediscovering their happier self and living with joy.

Personal Growth Breakthroughs

Posted on: October 5th, 2024 by admin 1 Comment

What is it that you desire for your inner self? Whether its joy, inner peace, or self-awareness, there can be no breakthrough without a quest. You may or may not realize this, but your quest begins the moment that you ask that organic question in your heart that needs an answer. As simple as this process of asking a question and reaching for an answer may be, it is the key to personal growth breakthroughs that help us unlock our potential, achieve our dreams, or cook that perfect dish that you may have wanted to know how to make.

Why Personal Growth Matters

In the vast array of potential that you possess, your limiting factors are anything that obscures your true nature and consequently, your potential. This includes misconceptions or false beliefs about what you are. Such beliefs or misconceptions, whatever they may be for you, can form a debilitating cocoon that suppresses your drive and your ability to manifest your potential. To make matters worse, if you are surrounded by people who reinforce your limiting convictions, it becomes that much harder for you to achieve any breakthroughs that enrich your life. Given these challenges, personal growth is certainly not for the fainthearted.

Personal Growth

Breakthroughs & Growth

It takes courage to grow, just as it takes courage to have self-esteem. But sometimes it also takes our appreciation of the power of simplicity, case in point, the power of asking a question that leads to a breakthrough. You may be wondering, well what is a breakthrough? As far as personal growth is concerned, a breakthrough is when you realize or grasp life’s truths that elevate you organically from within, or change the trajectory of your life in a way that fills your heart with hope and pure joy. Personal growth is when you exercise your autonomy to shape your potential, and then your life by extension.

About a week ago, I watched my daughter pick up a flyer or something that was on the table. She cautiously read it to herself, mumbling the words under her breath. The second time she read it through, she brightened up! She then looked at me with a spark of confidence in her eyes. “It means…”  She said to me. “Good job baby,” I responded. Then she sprang off with a victorious grin on her face. Looking back, its highly unlikely that she would have achieve that small victory without being curious about the meaning of the string of words on that piece of paper. Likewise, personal growth does not occur unless we ask ourselves the questions that reveal the extent of our potential.

True, our bodies may have predefined or even fixed potential. But who ever said personal growth is limited to what our bodies can do? If you feel trapped in a cocoon that suffocates your potential and want to break out of that box, allow me to invite you to checkout my books. I have been where you are, so I know a thing or two that can help you reclaim your autonomy over your potential. If you have made it this far, I hope by now you realize that I do not expect you to take anything that I say at face value. So, as you read my books, I invite you to ask questions about your core nature, and the extent of the potential inherent to you beyond your race, gender, culture, or anything that may be keeping you stuck in a predefined box. The truth is there and it is yours to realize, embrace, and let it nourish you from the core of your conscience. Otherwise, the truth is useless, unless a conscious being like you and I wield it. Are you up for the challenge?